ARNS supports applications from members only for assistance towards course fees, attending a respiratory conference or the purchase of books, to support your learning.
Application Guidelines
Who is eligible to apply?
- Current ARNS Members - both Full and Associate memberships
- ARNS member for at least 6 months
What does the bursary offer?
- ARNS allocate a total of £5,000 for a 12 month period for at least 8 bursaries
- Bursaries will be awarded in March, June, September and December of each year
- Bursaries can only be awarded for a maximum of 50% of the course cost
- The average award is £250 however all applications will be given consideration depending on their merit
- Bursaries are usually paid to the institution which is providing the course/conference; if this is not practical then costs will be reimbursed to the individual following verification of appropriate receipts or invoices.
How do I apply?
- Complete and submit the Bursary Application form below
- All forms must be completed fully before submission
- You must provide full details of the course/conference costs, title and the postal address of the educational provider
What happens when I complete the course?
- ARNS expect a letter or email confirming that the course has been complete.
- You will be asked to give feedback to ARNS within 12 months of completing by either providing a short article for the newsletter or submitting a poster at our conference.
- If you receive a bursary and fail to complete the course or attend the conference, you may be asked to pay back the bursary.
Any Questions?
Email ARNS at providing a contact telephone number and a committee member will respond to your query.
Please note that bursary applications will be reviewed and awarded quarterly each year - in March, June, and September and December.
Apply for an ARNS Bursary