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National Child Mortality Database thematic report on child deaths due to asthma and anaphylaxis

You may be interested to read the National Child Mortality Database thematic report on child deaths due to asthma and anaphylaxis which highlights that child deaths from asthma or anaphylaxis are preventable and the range of modifiable factors that we should be considering across the system. Many of these are already included in the National Bundle of Care for CHYP asthma and CYP asthma teams around the country will be reviewing the report to identify where further improvement activity may be required.

A key theme to emerge from the report is the relationship between health inequalities and child asthma deaths. The publication is supported with a range of resources and a number of case studies sharing examples of good practice including the ACEing Asthma project, led by ARNS CYP Asthma Lead Viv Marsh. The National Asthma Friendly Homes initiative is included as a report recommendation and ARNS members will be able to hear more about this at conference in May 2025 where health inequalities will be the focus of the CYP session.

A stakeholder briefing will take place on 29th Jan covering the report and its recommendations and a further webinar is planned for 5th March where Viv will be presenting about the importance of ensuring a clinician with asthma expertise is involved in the child death review process – details will be shared when available.