NICE Diagnostics Guidance Document on Home-testing devices for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome
The recent publication of the NICE guidance on the newer novel home testing devices for diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea, provides opportunities for sleep services to rethink service diagnostic models. Although the devices utilise very different approaches to diagnosing obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnea syndrome many provide traditional options such as pulse oximetry alongside the novel to aid the clinician particularly in confirming findings. The new novel devices include:
- AcuPebble SA100
- Sunrise
- WatPAT 300
- WatchPAT ONE
The NICE DG62 provides information on cost comparison and also some consideration in regards to sustainability. Overall this guidance opens possibilities for the future of smaller, easier to use, recyclable or reusable devices which may change clinical service models.
Click here to read the guidance.