NHS England publishes RightCare COPD Pathway
The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Pathway defines the core components of an optimal service for people with COPD.
The NHS RightCare Pathway for COPD has been developed in collaboration with NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Respiratory Services, the British Lung Foundation, the British Thoracic Society, Respiratory Futures, the Primary Care Respiratory Society (PCRS-UK), and the National COPD Audit Programme. The pathway provides a national case for change and a set of resources to support local health economies to concentrate their improvement efforts where there is greatest opportunity to address variation and improve population health.
The resources in the Pathway also draw on a range of other national guidance and contain examples of best practice from across England to help make change on the ground.
The Pathway contains a number of key messages for commissioners and to emphasise their importance when using this product they are included in the pathway documents and can be accessed here