The Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists (ARNS) welcome the Health and Social Care Committee Workforce Report (2022), and as nurses, echo the concerns that it highlights in terms of the nursing workforce crisis that we now face.
We are cognisant that it is vitally important that we work together and support our colleagues at such a difficult impasse. As nurses, we recognise the need for cohesion with all other key professionals, from housekeepers to surgeons, managers to commissioners, whilst not forgetting the importance of our social care workforce. We all fit together in a staffing jigsaw, making health and social care services integrated, and providing a high quality and effective service to those who depend on it.
ARNS are focussed and committed to working with our partners to support the recruitment, training, retention, and succession planning of a respiratory nursing workforce fit for the 21st century, whilst leading and inspiring the future nursing establishment of student nurses.
We believe that there are many key points, if addressed with shared learning, could influence the recruitment crisis, and improve our ability to recruit and retain a multiprofessional workforce across the depth and breadth of the NHS.
Without such urgent reform, can the NHS survive?