We are seeking a new member of the ARNS Research and Education committee. We are looking for a member who is enthusiastic about either research or education (or both!). You do not need to be an expert, just passionate about helping us develop the ARNS research and education agenda. If so, we would love to hear from you. Joining an ARNS sub-committee is a great way to have a real influence in the future direction of respiratory nursing and enhance your career development.
The term of office is an initial two years with an option to extend for a further two years. As a member of the Research and Education sub-committee you will be expected to:
- Provide a short biography and photograph for the ARNS website.
- Attend four Research & Education sub-committee meetings a year (via Microsoft Teams).
- Attend joint committee meetings (face-to-face or online).
- Attend a pre-conference committee meeting. You would receive a funded place at conference, an honorarium and travel costs in recognition of this.
- All sub-committee members are required to attend one strategy day per year, usually held in October/early November, for which there is an honorarium and travel costs are also covered.
- Support ARNS educational webinars.
- Help with reviewing abstracts submitted for the ARNS conference.
- Write a yearly blog for the ARNS website.
- There may be occasional requirement to represent ARNS at meetings such as round table meetings or consultations. ARNS will refund travel for these if not covered by the organiser.
- You would also be expected to provide comments and guidance on various stakeholder consultations such as NICE, BTS and BLF.
- The committee will be responsible for reviewing requests for endorsement for learning opportunities by outside agencies.
If you would like to apply for this important role, please send a short CV and statement detailing what you feel you could bring to the role. Please send your CV and statement of why you think you are suitable for the role to info@arns.co.uk by Saturday 31st December 2022. Informal interviews will be arranged by Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 4th January 2023 (from 6pm).